In our ever-more interconnected world, it is essential to have just the right online presence. jCodes develops unrivalled software to give its clients a tailored digital identity that is distinct, elegant and secure. From advanced databases with complex search functions to entertaining apps, our software has helped some of the world’s most innovative companies to become leaders in their fields. Our software is intuitive and easy to use and meets the highest standards of security and reliability.
Modern iOS apps using the latest technologies
Single page as well as multi page websites
jCodes can supervise the development of Android apps assuring high quality
jCodes can create large databases with complex search algorithms and also collect data for the database
Using Web Data Extracton, the latest press releases were collected from various sites to be stored in a Firebase Firestore database and presented to the user all on one page. You are also able to perform a quick and easy search to find the press releases you want. This was powered by Algolia Search. This project included building an iOS App, a website and an Android App in addition to the backend.
MyHabits is the best way to track your habits. You can set goals and see all your stats. MyHabits was built with the latest release of SwiftUI and Swift. It syncs your data across all your devices with CloudKit.